Creature Mark

Form Analysis & Interpretive Phrase


To develop a black-and-white graphic translation of an animal, conveying its behavioral & personal characteristics through the principles of line, point, and shape.

After the graphic translation image, to take our “creature mark” a step further, we were to place the mark in a typographic composition that utilized the Fibonacci Proportion.


I decided on a tree frog due to its unique “padded” toes and their ability to adhere to trees, providing a visually appealing position to sit within my composition. To understand the tree frog’s exterior anatomy, I found reference images that show off its full form. I then brainstormed physical and behavioral traits that make tree frogs unique. 

Sketches & Digital Iterations

Throughout my sketches & digital iterations, I wanted to prioritize my creature’s natural body proportions, position, & personality, all while keeping the shapes geometric. 


For the final deliverable, I decided to include implied lines to convey simplicity, tapered strokes for depth, and filled-in ellipses for the tree frog’s toes to emphasize their vital importance in the animal’s life.

initial sketch

geometric map


implied lines & stroke weight

Phase Two: Interpretive Phrase


To place creature mark into a typographic scene with an interpretive phrase encapsulating the creature’s personality, habitat & natural behaviors. I aimed to create a composition that was appealing as well as cohesive, using the Fibonacci proportions.

“Vibrant tree frog camouflaged in bright leaves”

Typeface Experimentation

Digital Iterations

Since tree frogs are known for their ability to climb trees, the goal was to reflect 
this creature’s special ability. The interpretive phrase aims to put the viewer into 
a “typographic rainforest” where the tree frog lives and camouflages from predators.


Other Works

Hot Glue Gun Iconography

“Haiku [for you]”

Operation School Bell